We recognise that beauty goes beyond the skin. Nonetheless, healthy skin is a vital component of a woman’s well-being.
Dark spots, scars, dull complexion & uneven skin tone is attributed to:
- Inadequate water intake
- Heavy makeup usage
- Improper makeup removal
- Poor eating habits
- Smoking
- Pollution
- Unsuitable skincare routine
- Exposure to harsh UV rays
Categorised as type 3 collagen, D-Vine’s first-rate ingredients promote direct absorption via the intestinal tract – 4x times faster than your standard collagen.
Upon regular consumption, you may notice visible improvements to:
Wrinkles & fine lines
Skin tone (fairness & brightness)
Skin firmness & elasticity
Protection against UV rays
Silk Peptide (Nobel prize winner for discovery & research)
Function: Increase Hydration & Skin Elasticity within 6 weeks (clinical tests proven)
VIQUA® Pomegranate Extract
Function: Skin Whitening, Sun Protection, Acne Suppression
HYTOLIVE Olive Polifenol (Spain)
Function: Sun Protection
Collagen-Tripep20 (South Korea)
Function: Skin Firming, Wrinkles Reduction
Direct absorption into the intestinal tract
Retention of maximum nutrients
High bioavailability & activity