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FRUSSO Buy 2 Free 1 (2months)

$ 220.00 USD $ 300.00 USD -26.7%
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Frusso is loaded with both dietary fibres:
water-soluble and water-insoluble. These two fibers possess their own function in which water-soluble fibre is viscous and able to absorb large amount of water, forming a gel when excreted whereas water-insoluble fibre functions to increase the volume and weight of faeces, promote gastrointestinal motility and bowel movements.

FRUSSO comprises all-natural, raw ingredients combined to give you a powerful detox solution.

frusso fibersol-2


  • Japan imported water-soluble fibre
  • Low-calorie supplement
  • Does not affect absorption of calcium and other minerals
  • Natural plants as raw materials
frusso palmfiber


  • Water-insoluble fibre
  • Accumulates cholesterol, bile salts, fats, carbohydrates & toxins to be excreted from the body
inulin frusso


  • Water-soluble fibre
  • Contains natural oligosaccharides, a substitute for sugar
  • Aids in reproduction of good bacteria in the intestines
frusso psylliumhusk

Psyllium Husk

  • Water-soluble fibre
  • Beneficial to the growth of intestinal probiotics


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